Celebrate Your Sweetheart With Our ValenTime Machine Playlist!

From cutting out paper hearts to eating boxes and boxes of chocolate, we are pretty big fans of Valentine’s Day around here. This year, we’re celebrating the day with our ValenTime Machine, a look back at the biggest love songs through the years — after all, Valentine’s Day does fall on #TBT (throwback thursday)!

Ready to get nostalgic? Check out ValenTimeMachine.com, our newly-launched microsite where you can enter your anniversary date to find a playlist of the most popular love songs from your anniversary year!

Sing along to the songs you played at your wedding, or that track you listened to non-stop in the car when you first started dating. The ValenTime Machine can take you all the way back to 1970, so get ready to tease your parents about all the cheesy songs that probably played at their prom! Plus — even for singles, it’s fun to just pick a time you’re feeling nostalgic about and relive all the love songs from that year.

Visit ValenTimeMachine.com now and start swooning! Have a beautiful Valentine’s Day, music lovers!
