Employee Playlist of the Month: Andrew Festo
This month’s employee playlist includes the works of countless classic artists. Frank Sinatra? Check. Queen? Check. Jay Z? Check! Created by Andrew Festo, events director for iHeartMedia New York, this playlist is bound to rock your headphones. Check out Festo’s November soundtrack and learn more about him below.
How come you choose the songs on your playlist?
My music taste is all over the place. One minute I may want to hear something upbeat like EDM, the next minute I may want to hear some classic rock.
When do you listen to this playlist most?
In the subway to and from work.
Who is your dream artist to meet and why?
Elvis Presley. I’ve been lucky enough to have been around many artists during my 12+ years at iHeartRadio. I also don’t have any artists that I would consider my favorite of all time. Since it’s a dream scenario, might as well pick an all-time great known around the world that’s impossible to meet at this point.
Can you share your most memorable music moment experience?
The 2013 iHeartRadio Music Festival is definitely my most memorable music moment experience. Getting to see greats like Paul McCartney, Elton John, Justin Timberlake, Queen and Drake all share the same stage over two nights was incredible.
What is the best part about working at iHeartRadio?
The best part (aside from my co-workers) is that it’s not your typical 9-5 job sitting behind a desk. On Monday, I may be side stage at a concert in a 20,000 seat venue, and on Tuesday, I may be at a private 50 person intimate performance. And on days when I am at my desk, you never know who could be walking through the hallways.
A fun fact about myself is…
I never intended to get into music as a career. My dream was to work in sports television production. In 2007 while still in college, I started working part-time at WKTU as a street teamer. The first concert I ever attended was actually the first concert I worked (KTU’s Beatstock). From there, my love for producing live events grew and eventually lead me to where I am now.
iHeartRadio Employee Playlist of the Month: Andrew Festo