Employee Playlist of the Month: Sean Titone
Welcome to 2020! One of our favorite ways to ring in the new year is to reflect on the last one. iHeartMedia’s Podcast Lead Executive Producer, Sean Titone, compiled the perfect playlist with a handful of the best – and most underrated – songs from 2019. Featuring music from Brittany Howard, Spoon, Wilco and more, this month’s playlist promises to stir up memories from last year while also introducing you to some amazing artists to watch in the new decade. Check it out below!
How come you chose the songs on your playlist?
The majority of the songs on this playlist are a snapshot of my favorites from the past year. I have a pretty broad appreciation of all genres and I think the eclecticism of this playlist reflects that. I have a 6 year-old and a 4 year-old and I recently introduced them to hip-hop. I’ve enjoyed pulling some nostalgic, kid-friendly hip-hop songs that I can listen to in the car with them, so I threw a few of those on this list too. I’m pretty psyched that Questlove is now part of the iHeart family, so I had to get some Roots on there as well. I love turning friends and family on to new artists. Hopefully, people will find some fun discoveries here that will become their new favorites!
When do you listen to this playlist most?
In the car mostly (lots of driving here in Atlanta), but really whenever I want to be in a good mood.
Who is your dream artist to meet and why?
There are several, but if I had to pick one, I’d probably say Jeff Tweedy, the principal songwriter and singer of Wilco, one of the greatest American rock bands of the past 25 years. Tweedy’s music and lyrics have gotten me through so many ups and downs in my life, and I’d love to just tell him thank you.
Can you share your most memorable music moment experience?
Impossible to pick just one, so here are a few.
-Seeing Paul Simon perform at a small club in New York City in 2011.
-Interviewing Slash while working on a poker tournament in the Bahamas.
-Standing on the field in the Superdome for work during U2’s halftime performance at the 2002 Super Bowl.
-Nirvana (with The Breeders opening) in my hometown of Birmingham, Alabama
What is the best part about working at iHeartRadio?
The best part about working at iHeartRadio is the people. I love our podcast team here in ATL, as well as everyone I work with in our LA and NYC offices, and it’s an absolute pleasure working with so many creative and talented people on a daily basis.
A fun fact about myself is…
I was an extra in School of Rock and Wolf of Wall Street, but sadly you can only see the back of my head in both films.
iHeartRadio Employee Playlist of the Month: Sean Titone